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Transitioning children away from naps by scheduling quiet time

Same Time

As long as you start at the same time each day, the transition will go much easier. Start with a few minutes of quiet time, and gradually build it up until it’s an hour or more.


But long naps may have other benefits, including the ability to boost energy levels.

Your Child

If your child does not fall asleep, you may need to move bedtime a few hours later.


This can help your child get used to the new routine and avoid overtiredness. Ideally, your child will adapt without a problem.

Children Typically

Children typically start to drop naps by the time they are three or four. Occasionally, children will hold on to naps until they start kindergarten.

Try Incorporating

Try incorporating quiet time into your child’s schedule every day. This will help them become accustomed to it, which will help them grow to expect it.

The transition from naps to no naps can be done gradually, but it is important to be consistent.


In that case, you’ll need to schedule quiet time to help them calm down, reduce stimulation, and rest. While nap time is important, it is not the end of the world for young children.


If teeth aren’t falling out after their normal age, you should visit your dentist to get them checked out.


If the teeth do fall out, they could be an early sign of a developing health condition, like dental caries.

Babies Start

Most babies start getting their teeth around the age of six months. But some babies are premature and will have a delayed eruption.

Pediatric Dentist

In these cases, your baby should see a pediatric dentist. If your baby still doesn’t have teeth by the time they turn 18 months, it’s best to seek treatment as soon as possible. While early loss of baby teeth is normal, it can also signal other health issues.

Another possible cause for early loss of baby teeth is a deficiency of vitamins or minerals. The lack of teeth can be a sign of malnutrition.
Children with deficient amounts of vitamin D, zinc, or folic acid may not be able to fully develop their teeth. Hypothyroidism may also cause a delay in the eruption of baby teeth.


Generally, the baby teeth begin to fall out at around age three, with the center teeth coming out first. In most cases, the permanent tooth beneath will push the baby tooth up and loosen the baby tooth.

Rare Cases

In rare cases, a child will lose their last baby tooth before the permanent one is ready to come in.


In these cases, a pediatric dentist will insert a plastic placeholder. This will prevent spacing problems in the future.

Quiet Time

Using quiet time can help them get the quality sleep they need to grow and develop properly.


Other symptoms of hypothyroidism include joint stiffness and headaches.

They usually fall out in a specific order Premature loss of baby teeth can be an indicator of something else