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They usually fall out in a specific order

First Baby

In general, the first baby teeth to fall out are the bottom front teeth. The next baby teeth will come out around age seven, followed by the middle two top teeth. The bottom lateral incisors will often loosen first, followed by the top lateral incisors.


A child will lose eight primary teeth before they start gaining their permanent teeth. The molars will come out between ages nine and 12 years.


The primary teeth usually fall out around age six to eight years old. This is because the adult teeth have begun pushing up the baby teeth.


As the baby tooth falls out, the root of the permanent tooth dissolves, freeing the space for the permanent tooth.

Dental Space

In these cases, dental space maintainers can be used to hold space for the permanent tooth, and this prevents crowded teeth in the future.


The first baby teeth usually fall out around the age of seven, while the second primary teeth may fall out several months later.

They can come in a variety of sizes, colors, and shapes.


It’s common for the baby teeth to be wiggly for a few months before they fall out. When they finally come out, parents should try to wait for them to fall out naturally, to avoid any damage.

Last baby

The last baby teeth to fall out are the canines and the primary second molars. Usually, these fall out in a specific order.


The canines come out first and then the molars come out around the age of nine to twelve. The second set of molars falls out around the age of 13 to fifteen years.


After the fourth birthday, their faces will begin to grow to accommodate the growing adult teeth underneath.


If this happens, the baby teeth will fall out before the permanent tooth is ready to erupt. The result may be crowding, so parents can use space maintainers to keep the space open.

In children from ages six to twelve, they are in a mixed dentition, which means they have both primary and permanent teeth. The third molars are called the wisdom teeth.
Losing baby teeth is a milestone and a natural part of your child's development. Regardless of your child's age, it's a great idea to stay on top of dental care to ensure that the process goes smoothly.

Right Order,

If the teeth do not fall out in the right order, it’s best to seek dental care immediately. The baby teeth can also be lost due to decay or injury.


If a loose tooth is causing pain, it is important to take care of it as quickly as possible.


You can also use gauze to cover the socket. You should also give your child a cold cloth to sooth the pain.


Rinsing the tooth with a saltwater solution is a good way to relieve pain.

First Teeth

The first teeth to loosen are the upper lateral incisors, which typically fall out when kids are about seven or eight years old.

Baby teeth fall out to make room for adult replacements